Situation kill us Inside.

Sometimes we can't think anything. We can't shre anything but something killing us inside.

 We can change our mind, our thinking, our lifestyle but we can't change the situations. 
Current bad day is definitely sign of better tomorrow. But it's a much tuff that we have to face these  situations. 
In these days of very bad situation we can heal with positive thinking and trying our best to make everything alright.
But society never ever try to put you up. The fake people never ever try  to motivate you. They only wats a entertainment in their life. No one is sympathies for you. everyone is just showoff. 

The only thing you can do in bad situation is you have to trust god. God is only one who can help you.  If you can't understand why God not listening your prayers. Just do one thing. Go in flash bank and think about the best thing you achieved in your life. And realize that what you want and what he gives to you. Think about all of the things you got in your life. Do you ever imagine that awesome things you got is priceless. That all of things you pray for and he gave you the better all the time. 
So think that if its takes a time. Your life will be better. 
